Our June Issue

Volume 1, Issue 8

Consider What Freedom Actually Means

By Ashley W. This article is a part of our series Ask DSA, where we ask members of our chapter to define what a concept popular on the left means to them. The rest of the responses can be found here. Our society claims it is a free country and we even have a holiday to…

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What Anti-Capitalism and Democratic Socialism Mean to Me

We need to organize ourselves into a truly democratic movement that can overtake the power of the ruling class. And our collective weapon is greater than any in the entire arsenal of capitalism, and that weapon is our refusal–our refusal to be slaves who survive on starvation wages, our refusal to be a mindless cog…

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What is Anti-Capitalism?

In our series Ask DSA, we ask our members to define a popular leftist concept and what it means to them. Between the rising popularity of r/antiwork and the ever popular twitter divide between “tankies” and “anarchkiddies,” no matter where you turn in online spaces the term Anti-Capitalism gets thrown around. The full spectrum of…

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So You’re an Anti-capitalist

Your job sucks. Too many hours, too low pay, no life outside.  You feel like an appendage to the machine. Your boss isn’t an asshole, she’s doing what she’s told. Her boss is, but the real orders come from above, the CEO of a corporation that sucks. Yet it’s just doing what it’s designed to…

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